Hacer amigos y compartirlos es una bendición y una tarea de los católicos. Nuestro Señor Jesucristo tuvo amigos y los compartió con nosotros. Los 12 apóstoles, la familia de Lázaro, Marta y María. Y si hablamos de la compañía de los Santos, los mejores amigos de Dios, y de la comunión con los santos, eso da para otro post. Vivimos en esa burbuja, y por eso hemos de pedir encontrar buenas amistades, para nosotros, padres, y para nuestros hijos. De momento, he pensado que de vez en cuando podría compartir algunas amistades encontradas en el mundo del homeschooling católico. Parece que hay más madres que padres, pero no seré yo la que diga que es por la verbigracia femenina. Creo que todo o parte, aunque esté en inglés, podemos entenderla, mejor que si la traduzco. Ahí lo dejo. Dedicado a las mamás entre la cocina y la sala de estudios en estos fríos y lluviosos días de enero. Que la Virgen María interceda para que estemos, como ella, centradas, escondidas con Cristo en Dios.
Catholic Family Vignettes - The Simple Woman’s Daybook - January 26, 2009 by Kimberly
Outside my Window…all is white and gray. Snow frosted trees and a blanket of white hides the ice from the previous melt. A promise of more snow is written upon that leaden sky…I don’t mind that promise! Thanking the Lord that we are warm and still able to see snow as a gift…
I am thinking…that the laundry room is a very frightening place! How did my sons manage to hide so much in that very messy room? Ah, well…at least it’s clean and the hiding places are few and far between!
I am thankful for…everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. Thank you, dear Lord, for all the lessons, blessings, graces and trials. So long as they bring me closer to You, there will never be any gifts more precious…
From the kitchen….hot espresso, bold and intense laced with a generous dollop of Chocolate Caramel creamer. Pancakes and ham steaks for the children. Dinner: roasted rosemary and thyme chicken, baked apples, herbed potatoes and carrots, and a leafy green salad.
In our school room…still agonizing over Arthur. Part of me says…persevere! Do what you’ve been doing, help him push past this roadblock! The other part says…don’t spin your wheels! Find something that works! He needs structure, more accountability, he’s bored! Don’t keep beating this dead horse…
Praying to discern the truth. Option one is the easiest financially. We just keep doing what we’re doing. Option two means a packaged curriculum and increased expense…but something we’ll just have to do if that’s the answer…Arthur wants the new curriculum. Perhaps we should try to accommodate the desires of the scholar…
I am creating…I’ve been madly crocheting and sadly neglecting my knitting! I’m amazed that I can crochet a really lovely dishcloth in less than an hour…I still prefer in all ways the beauty of handknit fabric, but crochet certainly has it’s place in my life! It’s perfect for whipping up quick dolly clothing, edgings, dishcloths and you simply can’t beat it for creating 3D objects. I really don’t need any patterns…thus far I’ve been able to envision the object I wish to create and simply “build” it. That is very, very nifty…
I am going…to go fix those pancakes as soon as I hit “publish!”
I am wearing…black velvet lounging pants, white turlteneck and pink sweater. Toasty warm slippers and hair up in a twist…the hair will have to come down soon! The weight of it kills my neck and shoulders. Yes…I’m definintely going to get it cut, just haven’t been able to coordinate the schedule with Clementine!
I am reading…see last week’s entry!
I am hoping…that Clementine doesn’t have to work as a driver-helper for UPS today. She got in very late, had very little sleep before her 4:00a.m. shift…that girl is a workaholic!
I am hearing…the dull roar and scrape of the plow as it continues to make passes to clear the blowing snow…
Around the house…a kitchen that is significantly cleaner than the rest of the house. Which means the rest of the house needs attention!
One of my favorite things…rosemary. The smell, the texture, the flavor. Rosemary appeals to all my senses…
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week…pray more, worry less…or at least try! Laugh more, complain less…or at least try! Love more, regret less…or at least try!
No termina aquí, mejor échale un vistazo a Kimberly y sus cosas. Yo ya la he presentado como amiga. ¡Gracias, amiga Kimberly y familia! ¡Gracias, Señor, por estos encuentros!
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