Los padres tienen el derecho de elegir libremente las escuelas u otros medios necesarios para educar a sus hijos según sus conciencias. Carta de los derechos de la familia, del Pontificio Consejo para la Familia,5 (22-X-1983)

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

Santa Sede: El derecho a elegir escuela incluye el homeschooling

Me parece muy importante este apoyo explícito:

"La escuela católica asiste a los padres que tienen el derecho y el deber de elegir escuelas incluyendo al homeschooling, y tienen que tener la libertad de hacerlo, lo que a su vez debe ser respetado y facilitado por el Estado."

Del observador de la Santa Sede ante las Naciones Unidas, con fecha 26 de abril último.

The State has an essential responsibility to assure the provision of educational services, and the right to educate is a fundamental responsibility of parents, religious institutions and local communities. Public institutions, especially at the local level, organizations of civil society and also the private sector, can offer their unique and respective contributions to the attainment of universal access to education. The educational system functions correctly when it includes participation, in planning and implementation of educational policies, of parents, the family, and religious organizations, other civil society organizations and also the private sector. The goal of education must extend to the formation of the person, the transmission of values, a work ethic, and a sense of solidarity with the entire human family. In this educational process, the State should respect the choices that parents make for their children and avoid attempts at ideological indoctrination. As affirmed in international law, States are called to have respect for the freedom of parents to choose for their children schools, other than those established by the public authorities, to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions which equally applies to their right to make judgments on moral issues regarding their children (cf., e.g., UDHR, Article 26, 3, ICESCR, Article 13, 3, and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, Article 12, 4). There are about 250,000 Catholic schools around the world. The Catholic school assists parents who have the right and duty to choose schools inclusive of homeschooling, and they must possess the freedom to do so, which in turn, must be respected and facilitated by the State. Parents must cooperate closely with teachers, who, on their part, must collaborate with parents.

Mr. Chairman,

An authentic rights based approach to development places the human person, bearing within him or her infinite and divine inspirations, at the center of all development concerns, and thus respects the nature of the family, the role of parents, including their religious and ethical values and cultural backgrounds, and affirms the contribution that young people can and do make to their community and society  

Aquí la noticia en Aciprensa: http://www.aciprensa.com/noticia.php?n=36810

También aquí: 
Creo que esto es importante para nosotros, la mención explícita del homeschooling por parte de la Santa Sede ante las Naciones Unidas dentro de la defensa del derecho, y deber, de elegir escuelas que tienen los padres.

Y por último y mereciendo mención aparte por su apoyo sin parangón a la Educación en Familia o Homeschooling en España, pues Hazte Oir y Cheque Escolar:



1 comentario:

♥ meninheira ♥ dijo...

Qué noticia tan buena Arantza, me la llevo.

Un abraciño muy grande, que hace muchísimo que no hablamos, aunque espero que Paloma te diera los besiños que le mandé para tí.
