"Sois educadores porque sois padres" Juan Pablo II
He aquí la traducción rápida de unos párrafos de una carta presentada por un grupo de padres -más bien madres- "homeschoolers" católicos de visita en el Vaticano, y en la que expresan los puntos fundamentales de la educación católica en el hogar -perdonais a una madre de familia bien numerosa que traduce cuando puede y a deshoras, pues las horas mejores son para los hijos ... -(Os dejo la carta entera en inglés en la sección de comentarios).
"Espiritualmente – Fortaleciendo nuestras familias en la fé, los padres que educamos en casa transmitimos sus verdades catequizando personalmente a nuestros hijos con la palabra y el ejemplo y preparándolos para la recepción de los sacramentos. Porque la fé es “el fundamento y la corona de toda la formación de nuestros jóvenes”, como está expresado en La educación cristiana de la juventud, los padres que educamos en casa queremos enfatizar que el crecimiento en la fé es una tarea personal que dura una vida, y que empieza con la recepción de los sacramentos.
Académicamente - “La religión debe permear y dirigir cada rama del saber,” como se nos dice en Militantis Ecclesia. Con un profundo respeto por la tradición católica, que ha puesto el listón para la excelencia educativa, los padres que educamos en casa procuramos para nuestros hijos los más altos logros académicos. Los instruimos en cada área del conocimiento –historia, matemáticas, ciencias, literatura y cultura- y ésto en el contexto de las verdades de la fé Católica.
Socialmente- Prestamos especial atención a las palabras de la Declarción sobre Educación Cristiana del Concilio Vaticano Segundo: “La familia es pues la principal escuela de las virtudes sociales que son necesarias para toda sociedad.” Con la ayuda de Dios, educamos a nuestros hijos para que crezcan “en sabiduría, edad y gracia” para que así tomen su sitio en sociedad, bien preparados para lo que serán sus vidas como futuros adultos católicos.
Damos gracias a Dios quién, a través del sacramento del santo matrimonio, da a los padres las gracias necesarias para aceptar con alegría, educar y sacar adelante los hijos que Él nos ha dado. De esta manera, tenemos el coraje y nos sentimos “fortalecidos, santificados, y, de una manera, consagrados” (Sobre el matrimonio cristiano) "
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Written by Marianna Bartold for presentation to Vatican officials in Rome, November 1995, the following document includes direct quotes from Church writings. Hailed as exactly describing the beliefs and sentiments of Catholic parents who homeschool (both by two national homeschool associations, as well as many local groups), we include the document here.
The Catholic Family
Catholic Home Education
Following the canons and traditions of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, together with the encyclicals and allocutions of the popes, we homeschooling parents are those who teach our own children every branch of study within our own homes, which Pope John Paul II calls the “domestic church.” We accept and respond, in a special manner, to Holy Mother Church’s admonition to “beget and teach children physically, socially, culturally, academically, morally and religiously” and do so “according to the teaching handed on by the Church.” (Canon 226.2)
We heed the Holy Father who, in his Letter to Families, expressed the Church’s teachings to us most succinctly when he said, “You are educators because you are parents.”
Because we understand that “Christian education takes in the whole of human life, physical and spiritual, intellectual and moral, individual, domestic and social,” as stated in Christian Education of Youth, and because we obey the Church Who tells us that parents are, indeed, the primary educators of their own children, we personally educate our children in the following ways:
Spiritually - By strengthening our families in the Faith, homeschooling parents transmit its truths by personally catechizing our children by word and example and by preparing them for the reception of the sacraments. Because the Faith is “the foundation and crown of our youth’s entire training,” as expressed in Christian Education of Youth, homeschooling parents emphasize that growth in the Faith is a life-long, personal task, one that begins with the reception of the sacraments.
Academically - “Religion must permeate and direct every branch of knowledge,” as taught in Militantis Ecclesia. With a deep respect for Catholic tradition, which has set the standard for educational excellence, Catholic homeschooling parents strive for the highest academic achievements by our children. We instruct them in every field of knowledge -- history, mathematics, science, literature and culture -- within the context of the truths of the Catholic faith.
Socially - We take special heed of the words of the Declaration on Christian Education of the Second Vatican Council: “The family is, therefore, the principal school of the social virtues which are necessary to every society.” Through God’s help, we educate our children to grow “in wisdom, age, and grace” so they may take their places in society, ideally prepared for their future lives as Catholic adults.
We thank God Who, through the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, gives parents every grace necessary to joyfully accept, educate and raise the children He gives us. In this way, we take heart and are “strengthened, sanctified and, in a manner, consecrated.” (On Christian Marriage)
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